由LHK學生組建的青年創業團隊Chill AROMA成功完成了為期兩天的創意市集售賣活動。團隊自製的香薰和擴香石手鍊廣受歡迎,並得到了我校老師的支持。HSBC x JA青年創業體驗計劃為學生提供了探索創業夢想的機會,讓他們能夠發揮創意,同時學習團隊合作的重要性。這次活動不僅增強了學生的實踐能力,也提升了他們的自信心和創業精神。
Entrepreneurial Market Successfully Concluded
The youth entrepreneurial team Chill AROMA, formed by LHK students, successfully completed a two-day creative market selling event. The team’s homemade aromatherapy products and diffuser stone bracelets were very popular and received support from our school teachers. The HSBC x JA Youth Entrepreneurship Experience Program provided students with the opportunity to explore their entrepreneurial dreams, allowing them to express their creativity while learning the importance of teamwork. This event not only enhanced the students’ practical skills but also boosted their confidence and entrepreneurial spirit.