Olympic Knowledge Quiz’ Competition

During the 2024 Paris Olympic Games, our school encouraged students to participate in the ‘Olympic Knowledge Quiz’ competition to inspire their interest in sports and enhance their extracurricular knowledge. Form 4 student Kwok Sze Yu stood out among approximately 80 participating schools across Hong Kong, winning the ‘Outstanding Award (secondary section).’ Our school was also awarded the runner-up for the ‘Most Active Participation School Award.’

the participation certificate for the 2024 Tai Po District Outstanding Student Selection

Form 6 student Wong Yat Yin was awarded the participation certificate for the 2024 Tai Po District Outstanding Student Selection. He was chosen as a participant in the ‘2024 Tai Po District Youth Leadership Training Program’ for secondary school students. By participating in group debates and collaborating with other members to design booth games for the elderly, Wong not only won an award but also gained a deeper understanding of the Tai Po community and culture.

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Project WeCan-Young Innovators Bazaar 2024


Students participate in the ” Young Innovators Bazaar 2024″ activity organized by Project WeCan. Students form a student company called “Bingo” to try entrepreneurship, selling decorations themed with bread made by students themselves. They participate in the project exhibition at the Plaza Hollywood, Diamond Hill, 1st floor Star Atrium from 22nd to 24th March 2024

The 39th i-Learner Prize Presentation Ceremony

The 39th i-Learner Prize Presentation Ceremony was held on 10/03/2024. 3B Xiong Caiyi Rex and 3D Qiu Cheuk Lam received the Grand Award of Chinese Online Learning (Hong Kong). 3B Li Tsz Wa, Lung Yan Kiu, Wong Tsz Ching, Xu Jiayi and 3D Sun Kai Ye received the Gold Award of Chinese Online Learning (Hong Kong), and 4B Law Siu Hin received the Outstanding Student Award of Chinese Online Learning (Hong Kong). Congratulations to all the award-winning students above.


2022 – 2023



最踴躍參與獎 初中組各級冠軍

最踴躍參與獎 高中組各級冠軍

最喜愛遊戲攤位 初中組各級冠軍

最喜愛遊戲攤位 高中組各級冠軍

