LHK participated in the Inno Expo@Tai Po exhibition 2025, showcasing the AI companion pet panda “Lok Lok”. Visitors experienced two interactive motion games designed to support the physical and mental health of the elderly. We also held an Artificial Satellite Model Workshop for primary students. Through a combination of theory and practice, participants learned the basic knowledge and functions of artificial satellites while also creating a working solar-powered satellite model. This engaging activity fostered students’ interest in STEM and encouraged innovative thinking.
香港教師會李興貴中學(Hong Kong Teachers’ Association Lee Heng Kwei Secondary School)的學生研發了「伴你同行 樂活人生」,透過可愛的AI 陪伴寵物熊貓「樂樂」以及兩個互動體感遊戲,為長者提供身心健康支持。
Students from the Hong Kong Teachers’ Association Lee Heng Kwei Secondary School have developed a project called *”Accompany You to a Joyful Life”*, which provides physical and mental health support for the elderly through an adorable AI companion panda named “Lok Lok” and two interactive motion-sensing games.
“Lok Lok” uses the body of a robotic dog combined with a cute panda design. It can walk and respond to certain voice commands, offering companionship to the elderly. The two interactive games each have unique features. One game involves voice control to guide an in-game panda over obstacles, while the other allows the elderly to control the physical panda “Lok Lok” to eat apples and gold ingots within the game. Through these motion-sensing games, the elderly can engage in light physical activity and promote mental well-being in a fun and interactive way.
VEX IQ 機械人比賽2024 Vex IQ RobotFight 2024
本校學生參加了Vex IQ RobotFight 2024,與大埔區、觀塘區及灣仔區的學校一同比賽。
Our students participate in the Vex IQ RobotFight 2024 and compete alongside schools from Tai Po District, Kwun Tong District and Wan Chai District. The students utilise their knowledge of mechanical modification and programming to demonstrate stable control skills during the competition. The school’s competing teams ultimately achieve the Overall Champion and Overall Runner-up awards in the Junior Division.
明周文化報導 (創不同學院) MP Weekly Report MaD (Make a Difference)
STEM教育 –“創不同”學院 STEM Education – MaD (Make a Difference)
MaD團隊與位於大埔的香港教師會李興貴中學合作,在STEM課堂引入「在地研習室:社區創變者」。有見該校學生常常埋首苦讀,少與社區接觸,團隊邀請藝術工作者彭灼楹(Angel)和梁耀華(Fato)一同籌劃課程,以具藝術思維(artful thinking)元素的小練習熱身。同學們走進大埔四里及街市,以聽覺和嗅覺感受社區、記錄四周的圖形等等。
The MaD team collaborates with HKTA Lee Heng Kwei Secondary School in Tai Po to introduce “Community Changemakers” in STEM classes. Noticing that the students are often buried in their studies with little community interaction, the team invites artists Angel and Fato to help plan the curriculum, starting with warm-up exercises featuring elements of artful thinking. The students venture into the Tai Po Market and the surrounding areas, engaging with the community through their sense of hearing and smell, and documenting various shapes and patterns they observe around them.
五光十色都可以好綠色研發項目 Allow Green To Shine
The LHK STEM Innovation team has been invited to be interviewed by RTHK, introducing our STEM Project ‘Allow Green To Shine’.
“Allow Green To Shine” is a green energy initiative. LHK students hope to drive the existing advertising system on Kwong Fuk Road with green energy, incorporating interactive and artificial intelligence elements to optimize the advertising system for old buildings, benefiting economically, sustainably, and in conservation education. The students have installed a lightweight photovoltaic solar power system on the rooftop of the building, which can track sunlight to maximize the efficiency of solar power generation. Additionally, they have integrated a louvre design into traditional signs, allowing each sign to have the capability to generate electricity. Since the advertising system operates on an LED system, it is energy-saving and can display advertising effects as a whole during festivals, greatly enhancing the variation of advertising signs, the possibility of interaction with the audience, and the convenience of performances.
香港理工大學社區服務計劃 X STEM@LHK
香港理工大學學生到LHK為本校學生進行社區服務計劃,介紹了如何運用TEMI機械人宣傳健康資訊及計算BMI, 並進行各類型互動遊戲讓學生認識食物標籤、食物營養及大麻毒品的禍害。
Students from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University visited LHK to conduct a community service program for our students, introducing how to use the TEMI robot to promote health information and calculate BMI, and conducting various interactive games to educate students about food labeling, nutrition, and the dangers of cannabis drugs.
HSBC x JA青年創業體驗計劃 HSBC x JA Company Programme
「HSBC x JA 青年創業體驗計劃」培育學生的創業精神及廿一世紀技能,包括目標設定、創意解難、團隊合作、有效溝通、數碼營銷以及從錯誤中學習。
HSBC x JA Company Programme enables students to develop their entrepreneurial mindset and 21st century skills, including goal-setting, creative problem-solving, teamwork, communication, digital marketing and learning from mistakes.
LHK Students participate in the exhibition with carpets themed on the conservation of endangered species.