
北區民政處及香港花鳥蟲魚展覽會主辦「藍天綠地在香港」全港學界板畫設計比賽 亞軍

LHK運動嘉年華海報設計 6C彭燊

大埔區公民教育運動委員會主辦「尊重包容、社區共融」徵文比賽 優異奬 4D古善瑩

大埔區公民教育運動委員會主辦「尊重包容、社區共融」徵文比賽 優異奬 4D温樂誼

明愛賽馬會照顧者資源及支援中主辦「護老3C」 GIF動畫標誌創作比賽季軍 6C蘇凱盈

第十五屆「啟慧中國語文」廣播劇創作暨演繹比賽 優異獎


南聯教育基金主辦第十五屆品德教育漫畫創作比賽高中組冠軍 5C麥曼嬅

食物及環境衛生處署主辦「回歸自然-將愛傳給下一代」海報設計比賽冠軍 6C彭燊

電影、報刊及物品管理辦事處主辦健康四格漫畫創作大賽冠軍 6C彭燊 6B陳栢燊 6B周信君 6A李曉明

香港中華文化促進會 《好鄰居確診了》 1D邱卓霖

自強的網課生活 4D許嘉鎣

愛德基金會主辦「活水行動」海報及標語設計比賽冠軍 4C江亦墨

電影、報刊及物品管理辦事處主辦健康海報設計大賽亞軍 4D許嘉鎣

環境保護署主辦校園智能飲水機 機身設計比賽校內賽優勝作品 4B 湯泳欣

職業安全健康局主辦「化學品安全海報及貼紙設計比賽亞軍 6C彭燊

Guangdong-HK-Macau Greater Bay Area Gifted Creative Writing Cup of Artificial Intelligence 2022

2 月
Our school’s Dance Group participated in the 61st School Dance Festival. The students showcased their dance talents on stage, and this competition not only allowed them to exchange skills with other performers and draw inspiration from one another but also enabled them to enhance their dancing skills in a friendly competitive environment. This experience not only boosted their confidence but also deepened their love for the art of dance.
12 月
Our school’s Dance Group participated in the 43rd Tai Po Schools Dance Competition. The students are putting their best efforts into the competition, showcasing their exceptional dance talents. They won three silver awards in the categories of solo dance, duet, and group dance. These achievements not only highlight the students’ hard work and dedication but also further inspire their passion for the stage and add glory to our school.
10 月
6 月
3 月
香港學校戲劇節2023-24 Hong Kong Schools Drama Festival 2023-24
Members of Drama Club participate in the Hong Kong Schools Drama Festival 2023/24 organized by the Hong Kong Arts School. Students perform seriously, exchange and share with the judges after the competition, and the judges also share their own insights on performing arts. The students benefit greatly from the experience.