VEX IQ 機械人比賽2024 Vex IQ RobotFight 2024

本校學生參加了Vex IQ RobotFight 2024,與大埔區、觀塘區及灣仔區的學校一同比賽。


Our students participate in the Vex IQ RobotFight 2024 and compete alongside schools from Tai Po District, Kwun Tong District and Wan Chai District. The students utilise their knowledge of mechanical modification and programming to demonstrate stable control skills during the competition. The school’s competing teams ultimately achieve the Overall Champion and Overall Runner-up awards in the Junior Division.

明周文化報導 (創不同學院) MP Weekly Report MaD (Make a Difference)

STEM教育“創不同”學院 STEM Education – MaD (Make a Difference)

MaD團隊與位於大埔的香港教師會李興貴中學合作,在STEM課堂引入「在地研習室:社區創變者」。有見該校學生常常埋首苦讀,少與社區接觸,團隊邀請藝術工作者彭灼楹(Angel)和梁耀華(Fato)一同籌劃課程,以具藝術思維(artful thinking)元素的小練習熱身。同學們走進大埔四里及街市,以聽覺和嗅覺感受社區、記錄四周的圖形等等。

The MaD team collaborates with HKTA Lee Heng Kwei Secondary School in Tai Po to introduce “Community Changemakers” in STEM classes. Noticing that the students are often buried in their studies with little community interaction, the team invites artists Angel and Fato to help plan the curriculum, starting with warm-up exercises featuring elements of artful thinking. The students venture into the Tai Po Market and the surrounding areas, engaging with the community through their sense of hearing and smell, and documenting various shapes and patterns they observe around them.教育/創不同學院-創不同協作-香港賽馬會社區資助計劃-236054


全方位學習 中三 STEM 紙雕繪 STEAM工作坊 Life Wide Learning Day F3 STEM Papercraft Workshop

全方位學習 中三 STEM 紙雕繪 STEAM工作坊


Life Wide Learning Day F3 STEM Papercraft Workshop

Papercraft uses paper as the material, presenting objects within the image through multiple layers to create a sense of three-dimensionality. This is then complemented with a specially made picture frame, which brings out a clear contrast between the subject and the background, highlighting the theme. LHK students create a papercraft with the theme of science and technology



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學校起動計劃趁墟做老闆2024 Project WeCan Young Innovators Bazaar 2024

在60間參賽學校及機構中,我們在Project WeCan 趁墟做老闆活動中獲得三個奬項:

最佳產品實用性季軍/最佳產品創意性季軍/五大最喜愛銷售員: 黃靜怡

Among 60 participating schools and organizations, we won three awards in the Project WeCan “Young Innovators Bazaar 2024” activity.

Third place for best product usability/Third place for best product creativity/Top 5 Favorite Salesperson: Wong Ching Yi

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「學校起動」計劃-趁墟做老闆2024 Project WeCan-Young Innovators Bazaar 2024


本校學生參與由Project Wecan「學校起動」計劃舉辦的趁墟做老闆2024活動。學生組成學生公司「Bingo」嘗試創業,售賣由學生親自製作以麵包為主題的裝飾物,並於2024年3月22日至24日於鑽石山荷里活廣場一樓明星廣場參加計劃展銷會。

Students participate in the ” Young Innovators Bazaar 2024″ activity organized by Project WeCan. Students form a student company called “Bingo” to try entrepreneurship, selling decorations themed with bread made by students themselves. They participate in the project exhibition at the Plaza Hollywood, Diamond Hill, 1st floor Star Atrium from 22nd to 24th March 2024

The Best is Yet to Come 為DSE學生打打氣2024

本校配合香港基督教青年會的「The Best is Yet to Come-為DSE學生打打氣2024」打氣活動,中一至中五同學填寫了打氣卡為中六的同學和應屆香港文憑試考生打氣及送上祝福!

Our school is participating in the cheer-up event “The Best is Yet to Come – Boosting HKDSE Students 2024” organized by YMCA of Hong Kong. Students from F1 to F5 have filled out cheer-up cards to cheer on and send blessings to the F6 students and current HKDSE candidates.


國家安全及預防網絡詐騙講座 National Security and Prevention of Online Scams Seminar


Our school’s Parent-Teacher Association organized a parent education seminar during Parent’s Day. We would like to express our gratitude to Senior Inspector Wong Ka Wing and his colleague from the Tai Po Police District for coming to our school to share their insights on “National Security and Prevention of Online Scams” with parents and students. The seminar aimed to raise awareness among parents and students about national security and provide them with information on common online scam techniques through illustrative case studies. This event deepened the understanding of parents and students regarding the Hong Kong National Security Law and the importance of preventing online scams.


2024全港戶外羽毛球錦標賽(學界組) 1st Hong Kong AirBadminton Championship 2024(School Division)

2024第一屆全港戶外羽毛球錦標賽 (學界組)

本校鼓勵學生參與新興運動,本校六位學生參與由中國香港羽毛球總會、中國香港戶外羽毛球總會主辦2024第一屆全港戶外羽毛球錦標賽 (學界組),6A王淳康及5D楊卓豪打入中學公開組男子雙打16強,5B黃逸研及 4D 黃芯潔打入中學公開組混合雙打8強,而3C陳顯鵬及張司浩更獲得中學初級組男子雙打季軍。希望同學積極參與各項新興運動,發掘潛能。

1st Hong Kong AirBadminton Championship (School Division) 2024

Our school encourages students to participate in emerging sports. Six students from our school participated in the 1st Hong Kong AirBadminton Championship (School Division) 2024 organized by Badminton Association of Hong Kong,China and AirBadminton Association of Hong Kong,China . 6A Wong Shun Hong and 5D Yeung Cheuk Ho reached the round of 16 in the secondary school open men’s doubles. 5B Huang Yat Yin and 4D Huang Sum Kit reached the quarterfinals in the secondary school open mixed doubles. In addition, 3C Chen Xianpeng and Zhang Sze Ho won the 2nd Runner Up in the secondary school junior men’s doubles. We hope that students will actively participate in various emerging sports and explore their potential

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視藝小盤栽工作坊 LHK Elder Academy VA workshop



LHK Elderly Academy floral miniature bonsai workshop

To cultivate students’ spirit of helping others and their ability to organize activities, students serve as junior mentors in the “LHK Elderly Academy” floral miniature bonsai workshop. This allows students to interact with the elderly and share their experiences and skills in crafting art pieces.

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