

Form 6 student Wong Yat Yin was awarded the participation certificate for the 2024 Tai Po District Outstanding Student Selection. He was chosen as a participant in the ‘2024 Tai Po District Youth Leadership Training Program’ for secondary school students. By participating in group debates and collaborating with other members to design booth games for the elderly, Wong not only won an award but also gained a deeper understanding of the Tai Po community and culture.

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中電新世代•新動力獎勵計2024 Hong Kong Electric New Generation New Power Incentive Award 2024


5A Lam Wai Ting is selected as one of the top 20 students in Hong Kong out of 209 participants, receiving the Hong Kong Electric New Generation New Power Incentive Award 2024. She is awarded a scholarship to pursue her personal goals.


第十三屆「原來我得㗎」美國中學交流計劃獎學金 The 13th Yes, I Can US High School Exchange Program Scholarship

薛可兒同學經過筆試及兩輪面試之甄選,獲得第十三屆「原來我得㗎」美國中學交流計劃獎學金, 於美國中學交流一年,入住美國家庭,入讀當地中學,學習文化交流,擴闊人生視野。

Our student, Sit Ho Yi is selected through written examination and two rounds of interviews for the 13th “Yes, I Can” US High School Exchange Program Scholarship. She will participate in a one-year exchange program in the US, live with an American host family, attend the local high school, engage in cultural exchange with the aim of broadening her horizons.


「文化地理大遊蹤」英語說話工作坊 Gen-Z Communication Studio Speaking Workshop


Gen-Z Communication Studio Speaking Workshop

The English Department invites the HKFYG Leadership Institute to organize an English workshop with a theme of ‘Diverse Cultures Around the Globe’, which is promoted by Standing Committee on Language Education and Research (SCOLAR) of the Education Bureau and supported by the Language Fund. In the workshop, students interact with Cultural Ambassadors from different countries, getting to know and learn about their unique cultures and completing various English tasks. They are very responsive and take part in discussions actively.

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英語活動「蟲前說故事」 English activity Stories Before Bugs

本校圖書館與 Rolling Books 及 Ki2zoo 合作,舉行英語活動「蟲前說故事」,進行自然動物課,內容包括觀察接觸及實體鑑賞,帶領同學走入神奇動物世界,學懂「尊重他人」、「責任感」等重要價值觀,激發對自然科學的興趣。

Our school library collaborates with Rolling Books and Ki2zoo to hold an English activity “Stories Before Bugs”, conducting a natural animal class. The content includes observation, hands-on contact, and physical appreciation, leading students into the magical world of animals. It teaches important values such as “Respecting for Others” and “Responsibility” and stimulate interest in natural sciences.

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「香港全民閱讀日 中小學聯校共讀半小時」活動 Hong Kong Reading for All Day Joint Primary and Secondary School 30-minute Read

為提升學生的閱讀興趣和深化校園閱讀氛圍,教育局課程發展處與康樂及文化事務署香港公共圖書館在2024年4月23日於香港聖公會何明華會督中學(秀茂坪)合辦「香港全民閱讀日—中小學聯校共讀半小時」活動。本校派出圖書館主任及三位同學,參與朗讀「閱讀宣言 」及「共讀半小時」活動,獲益良多。

To boost students’ interest in reading and fostering the reading atmosphere on campus, the Curriculum Development Institute of the Education Bureau and the Hong Kong Public Libraries (HKPL) of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) jointly organize the “Hong Kong Reading for All Day – Joint Primary and Secondary School 30-minute Read” event on April 23, 2024, at the HKSKH Bishop Hall Secondary School. Our school sent the teacher librarian and three students to participate in the “Reading Manifesto” and “30-minute Read” activities, which were very beneficial.

VEX IQ 機械人比賽2024 Vex IQ RobotFight 2024

本校學生參加了Vex IQ RobotFight 2024,與大埔區、觀塘區及灣仔區的學校一同比賽。


Our students participate in the Vex IQ RobotFight 2024 and compete alongside schools from Tai Po District, Kwun Tong District and Wan Chai District. The students utilise their knowledge of mechanical modification and programming to demonstrate stable control skills during the competition. The school’s competing teams ultimately achieve the Overall Champion and Overall Runner-up awards in the Junior Division.